We will teach them to fly.

$500 non-refundable registration fee

*1 month tuition due at registration to secure your spot - this deposit will go toward your June 2026 tuition payment.

Daycare Program

3 months to 14 months - Chickadees

  • 5 days a week - $2,300 per month

  • 3 days  a week (Mon, Wed, Fri) - $1,800 per month

  • 2 days a week  (Tuesday and Thursday) - $1,300 per month

  • Early Care 7:30 am - 8:30 am - $150 per month

— More info on infants (Chickadees) program coming soon! —

14 months to 2.5 years - Hummingbirds

  • 5 days a week - $1,850 per month

  • 3 days a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) - $1,480 per month

  • 2 days a week (Tuesday and Thursday) - $1,100 per month

  • 5 Half Days 8:30 am- 12:45pm - $1,500 per month

  • Early Care 7:30 - 8:30 am - $150 per month

  • Aftercare: until 4:30 pm - $350 per month / * until 6pm $575 per month

— More info on toddlers (Hummingbird) program coming soon! —

School Program

2025 - 2026 School Year

8:30 am - 3:00 pm

$500 non-refundable registration fee

*1 month tuition due at registration to secure your spot - this deposit will go toward your June 2026 tuition payment.

Our curriculum is based on New Jersey State standards, and is built around deep core concepts appropriate for each age group. While at Chilltown Elementary, children will build a tool-kit of problem solving skills and the confidence to use them. All students will be expected to raise questions, solve problems, and reason. We will instill in them the belief that they are capable of anything.

Pre K 2.5-3s - Sparrows

Must be 2.5 years old by September 4th

  • 5 days a week - $1,600 per month

  • Half-Day 8:30am - 12:45pm - $1,375

Within the three little birds’ preschool, we provide exceptional play-based, thematic education. We believe, and research supports, that children learn best through play. Our programs focus on guiding children, along with their families, to develop the social, emotional, physical and academic skills needed to succeed in elementary school. Our play-based, thematic program eases students into a routine, while giving them room to express themselves and discover the joy of learning!

Daily activities include:
• Circle and story times
• Thematic workshops
• Playtime with their own materials and toys at their desks. Toys are disinfected and rotated during the week. 
• Outdoor play in our backyard and Lincoln Park
• Rotating music, nature and movement
• Art activities

Our nurturing teachers truly connect with our young students to develop their language, independence, social-emotional skills and self-confidence to engage in the world around them.

Check out what’s happening with the Sparrows today!

Pre K 4 - Robins

Must be 4 years old by October 1st

  • 5 days a week - $1,300 per month

Our beautiful learning environment will inspire children to connect with their world in new and challenging ways. This class will build upon and enhance previously learned skills and development. We foster an enjoyable, pressure-free environment, where curiosity and learning can flourish in our workshops, creative arts activities and outside time.

Our energetic and creative teaching staff will focus on:
• Building the foundations of academic learning in reading, writing and math through our literacy, Handwriting Without Tears, and Singapore Math workshops
• Expanding our students’ world through weekly cultural studies, science, and nature workshops  
• The development of social skills, confidence and leadership 

PLUS… our students have daily outdoor play in Lincoln Park and weekly movement, art, music, yoga and Spanish classes

What are the Robins up to ?

Kindergarten - Owls

Must be 5 years old by October 1st

  • 5 days a week - $1,200 per month

  • Early Care: 7:30 am - 8:30 am - $150 per month

  • Aftercare: until 4:30 pm - $300 per month / * until 6pm - $560 per month

Our kindergarten students will be exposed to more in-depth, project-based workshops that will help strengthen their focus, critical thinking, collaboration and their ability to problem solve. 

They will aso gain the confidence to work both independently and with their classmates. Our highly skilled and passionate teachers really listen to our students, nurturing their curiosity. By doing this, we are helping to create strong, confident, creative members of our community. Our curriculum is not something that is rigid. It is playful, flexible and open-ended. It continues to grow as our students and teachers live and work. Our teachers set up the creative environment with opportunities for students to touch, listen, see, experiment, discuss and role-play the many aspects of an idea. This gives us the opportunity to explore, expand and bring real meaning to the questions of our students. 

Academic programs include:
• Handwriting Without Tears 
• Singapore Math
• Science / Environmental Studies
• Social Studies
• Science of Reading: A set of techniques that can best support all students to become proficient readers. It includes word recognition, foundational skills, and language comprehension skills like building vocabulary, content knowledge, and comprehension, as well as cultural knowledge, motivation and engagement, and executive function to fluent reading. It supports phonological and phonemic awareness, phonics and word recognition, fluency, vocabulary, content knowledge development, and comprehension. 
• Teacher's College Writers Program

Weekly enrichment classes:
• Movement 
• Art 
• Music 
• Yoga 
• Spanish

Take a look at the big things the Owls are doing!

The best way to learn is by doing.